Katie Goodthunder Client Manager
As a natural born storyteller, Katie's professional career reflects a strive to tell a company’s story. Her experience started young with sharing the Minnesota dairy industry story as a county dairy princess. These talents morphed into a degree in communication studies that lead Katie to over three years of telling the trace mineral story via email marketing, website development and other digital marketing strategies.
Since getting married and having babies, Katie has expanded her focus and joined the team at VantagePoint Marketing. In her time at VantagePoint Marketing, she's played a role in helping small businesses tell their story and expand their marketing strategy.

Hello! I'm Katie. Born and raised in the small town of Rice, Minnesota, southwest Minnesota was as foreign to me as holiday plans were on the dairy farm. That was until those few summers we loaded up into the van and headed to Farmfest. Who knew I'd be a transplant to this area someday!? My husband and I have two children who love to spice up out life and make it nearly impossible to remodel our 1940s farmhouse. Someday we inspire to have many more animals on our farm but for now you'll find a couple cows (who vacation in Rice for the summer), fainting goats, a few cats, an anxious dog and a couple kiddos. With my background, I love the variety in industries for our clients at VantagePoint Marketing. Each client brings forward a new story and why to expand upon.
Community Involvement
- Friends for the Future Vice President and Board Member
Hobbies & Interests
- Collect Pet Cows
- Raise Fainting Goats for Entertainment
- DIY Home Projects that Never Get Finished
- Amateur Foodie who Makes Food that Tastes Good but Looks... Okay
- Fun fact: I'm attending 8 wedding this year, 3 of which I'm in!